Outdoor Gear FAQs
Find answers to common questions about our outdoor gear, including hunting and camping products. Learn about packing tips, maintenance, and more to ensure your gear performs at its best.
Yes, we may have replacement parts available for your specific hunting or camping gear. To place an order, send us a message on our contact form with the product number, product name, and part number, and we will reply to you as soon as possible.
Yes, the mesh is shoot-through on blinds with tight mesh applications, but only with a fixed blade broadhead.
Most of our ground blinds feature brush-in loops to attach natural foliage such as branches and leaves to the blind for extra camouflage. This will help better conceal your blind in the natural surroundings.
Spring steel and hub-style blinds both open in different ways, and care must be taken to avoid damage and injuries. Please refer to the instruction manual for your specific blind available on this website.
Spring steel blinds will pop open once removed from the bag, and the walls can be opened outward. The poles can be assembled and inserted into the ceiling for roof support.
Hub-style blinds need to have the hub of the roof pulled upwards first, then the walls pulled into place.
We recommend using ground stakes and guy lines for your blinds once set up to ensure wind or other causes don’t knock the blind over while you are enjoying it.
Once done, be sure to take the blind down, remove any debris, and pack away in the carry bag free from moisture and dirt.
Most camping tents are designed for 3-season use. For winter conditions, use a tent rated for cold weather with a full-coverage rainfly and sturdy poles.
- Ensure the Tent is Dry: Shake off moisture and dry in the sun if possible. If packing wet, dry fully at home to prevent mildew.
- Pack Up the Poles: Break down and place in the pole sack.
- Fold and Roll: Fold the fly and body, then roll tightly around the poles in the pole sack.
- Stuff into Bag: Once rolled, your tent should fit into the bag with minimal effort. If not, unroll and retry.
Avoid leaving your tent set up too long, especially in wet conditions, as exposure can damage the fabric. Secure it well and protect from the elements if necessary.
Spot clean with mild soap and water. Use a soft brush for the floor and wipe down with a damp cloth. Avoid harsh detergents and excessive scrubbing.